How I’m evaluating if I can use Bear Notes as my “Second Brain” again

Why I am moving from Notion to Bear:

  1. Speed. To search, write, and edit. Similar to Evernote, the abundance of Notion’s features just cannot compensate for its slowness.
  2. Related to speed and performance, multitasking. Specifically, to take notes while on a Zoom or Hangouts video call. Notion slows way down when taking notes while on a call.
  3. Write offline.
  4. “Copy As” Rich Text works really well for preserving formatting and spacing into WordPress for publishing as a blog post
  5. Now available: Web clipper clips all the text in the webpage, rather than just a link to the webpage

New nice-to-haves:

  1. Encrypt certain notes for privacy, e.g. bank account details
  2. Bolding and highlighting stand out more clearly for Progressive Summarization
Bold and highlight in Bear

Features I am looking for in Bear, but are still not available:

  • Can it create Tables? No.
  • Can I share public links to notes? No, but I can export a note as a PDF to share publicly.
  • Does it play nice with external apps – works with Zapier? Has an API? No. I’m starting to look out for this since I tried using Sunsama with Things 3 but found that Things does not have an API.