Book: Never Let Go by Dan John

Philosophical, tactical, and pragmatic fitness wrapped in stories.

You’re going to get philosophy — Dan explains why and how to build a body that matters to YOU.

You’re going to get tactics — There’s lots of very specific programs in here regardless if your goal is to be better at your sport, lose fat, or be a better animal (like mine). Diet is of course also covered.

Most importantly, you’ll find that everything in here is pragmatic. Sometimes, you don’t feel like working out. Sometimes, you feel like eating shit. And most of the time, life just gets in the way. Dan knows that, and he takes all of it into account.

As if those three (philosophical, tactical, and pragmatic) aren’t enough… It’s all wrapped in Dan’s personal, funny, and self-aware stories. (And not in the trite way most nonfiction authors typically write)

Reading this book is very, very enjoyable. That means you’re actually going to finish it.

Buy this book, read it, then pick a workout and go! (Personally, I’ve started doing the beginner’s program for the olympic lifts.)

I don’t know what the hell I was doing before I read Dan John. More people need to know more of him. Hopefully, I’ve contributed a little to that. 10/10.

Get Never Let Go: A Philosophy of Lifting, Living and Learning by Dan John.