What I'm doing now
Email me anytime to talk about the topics below: chiara@chiaracokieng.com
Updated: 1 Oct 2024 | Berlin, Germany
- I've quit my tech job at Forto. My last day is on October 11.
- I just registered my business and am waiting on Finanzamt for my business tax ID. Business officially opens on October 1.
- For my first offering, I’ve decided to do a group coaching program ("12-Week Expat Job Search Accelerator") for internationals in Germany to help them get their next English-language job in 3 months.
- If that's you, schedule your free call to learn the exact reason why your current job search method is not working, and how to fix it.
- Aside from that, I put together a “learning map” on the 5 most important skills I need to learn for small business entrepreneurship. Learning Map: Small Business Entrepreneurship
- I’m doing the “Ship 30” course, a 30-day writing challenge to learn and practice ‘digital writing’.
- My post from 6 days ago was about how I went from wanting to move to Germany but not knowing anyone in Europe in October 2019, to signing a job offer in April 2020. It’s gotten 313 likes so far, which is the most likes I've ever gotten on a post to date.
- I'm also getting a ton of leads from LinkedIn and am fully booked for the next two weeks. This was a pleasant surprise.
- Finally, I’m addicted to padel (tennis) and trying not to play more than 2x per week 😂